Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Window Licking"

In America you would go “window shopping”, but in France, it's “Lèche-vitrines” (Window Licking).

The store-front window displays in Paris are the best I've ever seen...I am actually tempted to lick them they're so good (if only they weren't covered in dirt from the polluted air).

The new trend now is to not only be creative with your window displays, but to give the shopper a unique experience throughout the entire store. The concept is called : Concept Stores.

Merci is one of the newer concept stores in Paris and is dedicated to fashion, furniture, books, interior design, and much more. It's like an art exhibit and fashion retail store combined. But on the highest level...almost to the point of sensory overload, but in a good way.

You can shop collections dedicated especially for Merci, top brands like YSL and Stella McCartney, or unique creations from young local deisngers. And you can also create your own fragrance by Annick Goutal. And the best part is, profits are donated to organizations in Madagascar and India.

And to finish it off, sink into one of the antique leather chairs in Merci's cozy tearoom and reading area.

Address: 111 boulevard Beaumarchais
Metro: Saint-Sebastien Froissart
Open: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

1 comment:

  1. At Christmas time, their cute little red car out front was all decorated with pine boughs for the season. It was sooo cute! Too bad I can't afford anything in that store :(
