Monday, May 30, 2011

soak it up

one of my favorite ways to relax is a good bubble bath

my miniature european stlyle bath tub isn't quite made for bubble it was a special treat to have one this weekend while I was out of town.

I bet you could use some relaxation take a bubble bath! Even if you need to schedule it in...block an hour out, turn on some Norah Jones, and soak it up!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Valleys of sorrow to rivers of Joy

I will sing of your mercy that brings me through valleys of sorrow to rivers of joy.

I'm always so encouraged by the honesty and openness of others...and since this blog's purpose is to share the experiences I have to live life to the fullest (not just cupcakes and flowers...the difficult ones too), I'll take a turn at sharing...

I have lots to be joyful about. Don't get me wrong.

But I have pain as well. And I'm learning what it looks like to be joyful in all circumstances.

The healing process is hard. It takes time. Wounds can easily be re-opened. And even when they completely heal, the scar is a permanent reminder.

But it's a reminder of so much more than the pain. It's a reminder of the healing.

Today, I am in the healing process, but am joyful because of the mercy and love the Father is pouring onto my wound.

“The love of God is his doing whatever needs to be done, at whatever cost to himself or to us, so that we will see and be satisfied by the love of God in Christ forever and ever.”

-John Piper

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

joys of the metro

The metro can really suck. Large crowds, horrible smells, crammed cars...but every now and then, you have a pleasant surprise like this one

(Pachelbel Canon performance in the Châtelet metro station)

and it reminds me that i'm in one of the coolest cities on earth. And just like that, i'm quite happy to be in the metro.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"Window Licking"

In America you would go “window shopping”, but in France, it's “Lèche-vitrines” (Window Licking).

The store-front window displays in Paris are the best I've ever seen...I am actually tempted to lick them they're so good (if only they weren't covered in dirt from the polluted air).

The new trend now is to not only be creative with your window displays, but to give the shopper a unique experience throughout the entire store. The concept is called : Concept Stores.

Merci is one of the newer concept stores in Paris and is dedicated to fashion, furniture, books, interior design, and much more. It's like an art exhibit and fashion retail store combined. But on the highest level...almost to the point of sensory overload, but in a good way.

You can shop collections dedicated especially for Merci, top brands like YSL and Stella McCartney, or unique creations from young local deisngers. And you can also create your own fragrance by Annick Goutal. And the best part is, profits are donated to organizations in Madagascar and India.

And to finish it off, sink into one of the antique leather chairs in Merci's cozy tearoom and reading area.

Address: 111 boulevard Beaumarchais
Metro: Saint-Sebastien Froissart
Open: Monday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 7:00 pm

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Paris Pastries- 20eme

Au 140
140 rue de Belleville
Paris, 75020

best baguette in Paris in 2001
second best croissant in Paris
pastry shop next door
homemade ice cream and sorbets
yes please!

I loved the detail in this patisserie!

My selection:
A soft almond cookie, topped with a mound of creamy vanilla custard,
garnished with fresh strawberries and jelly fruit bites
*this was one of my favorite pastries I've tried so far

Lauren's choice:
a little less exciting than a diamond ring, but she liked it ;)
Raspberry almond tart topped with
fresh raspberries, mangos, and mango mousse

Jen's Choice:
(did you know this means "pick me up" in Italian??)
layers of delicious mascarpone, coffee dipped biscuits,
and cocoa flavored liquor

we've made it to the end of the arrondissement "snail", but will be curling our way around to the 12th next week!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Paris Pastries- 19eme

MUAAHAHAHAHA (evil sneaky laugh)

My roommate, Jen, and I have been planning these Paris Pastry days with an ulterior motive, and now I can finally shout it from the...keyboard.


Here's the scoop. Lauren and Travis have been dating for over 4 years. However, since late August, Lauren has been in Paris doing an internship while Travis has been finishing school in Florida. So...that's 8 months apart people! Crazy! (thank goodness for skype!)
Lauren has been in love with Paris forever, so the idea of being proposed to here has been a dream of hers. She knew Travis would visit at some point during our year here and they had talked about the proposal part of the visit wasn't as much of a surprise as the WHEN IS HE COMING?! part...and trust me, the suspension was killing her!

A few months ago Travis told Jen and I about his plans to come and pop the question. He booked the ticket, bought the ring, and had the proposal spot picked out....our job was getting her there. The trouble was, ANYTHING out of the ordinary would tip her off, and the park he picked was definitely out of the ordinary. Parc des Buttes-Chaumont is in the 19th, off a random metro line, and far away from where we would typically hang out...but, challenge accepted!
We knew we needed to plan some kind of weekly thing starting right away so that in 8 weeks it wouldn't be random to say “hey, let's go to the 19th!”.
And this "A Patisserie for Each Parisian Arrondissement" blog was where we found our brilliant plan


In order to be in the 19th by week 8, we had to start with the 14th (where we live) and skip the 2 weeks we were out of town. It was PERFECT!

And the best part is, SHE WAS SURPRISED!

Parc des Buttes-Chaumont
(The gazebo at the top of the hill is where he proposed)

Lauren and Jen

Lauren and Me

the "gland" pastry...meaning "acorn" in French

This choux pastry is filled with crème pâtissière,
covered in icing with sprinkles for the acorn's cup

enough about the's the real show

we were almost halfway across the bridge before she stopped texting,
looked up and saw TRAVIS!
She immediately dropped her bag and ran!

we had 6 paparazzi on them!
(me, jen, Hannah, Brett, John, and Clark)

down on one knee!

She said yes!
(a few times)

the BLING!

Travis and Lauren are finally engaged!! I could not be more happy for these two love birds as they spend the next few days in Paris and the rest of their lives together!

Oh, and don't worry...
Just because the surprise is over doesn't mean Paris Pastry days are done! :)