Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Paris Pastries- 16eme

Pastries are without a doubt one of my favorite things about living in Paris. You can't walk anywhere without being tempted by the smell of fresh french bread baking, or the beautiful window displays of pastries that look like's wonderful!

Window after window they all scream “treat yourself!”...and so, I do! However, since I haven't found the secret to how french people stay so roommates and I have come up with a brilliant plan to treat ourselves once a week.

In efforts to kill two birds (or 3 in this case) with one stone, we've planned out a way to incorporate visiting every arrondissement (20 of them), walking, and pastries! Each Wednesday afternoon we meet up and visit a recommended Patisserie, split the recommended pastry (and a few others, of course), and walk to a nearby park or fun street to explore.

I look forward to it every week! Here's where we went today:

Lenôtre in the 16th arrondissment
this is a pretty fancy-shmancy area near the
Arc de Triomphe. Walking into this patisserie was like walking into a jewelry store with perfectly displayed pieces of merchandise.
There was even a party platter of chocolate for
€ 853...that's $1,204...oh lala!

Macaron: Caramel au beurre salee
this little piece of heaven was gratuit thanks to Jen, the best woo-er I know.
It's amazing how you can taste caramel, butter, and salt individually and so powerfully in one bite! These things are magic!

Brioche de Menton
this was the recommended pastry
The top tasted like it had powdered sugar melted on top that formed a kind of sticky, but crispy texture which was the best part.
It was filled with grapefruit, lemon zest, orange, and almond.

Bun à l'orange
this was like a sweet roll with bits of orange.
a delicious, light treat!

Brostock aux Amandes
*This was our favorite. It was crispy on the outside and moist on the inside but not too heavy.
The almond taste was so fresh!

Check back next week to see what we find in the 17th!

1 comment:

  1. oh my goodness!! These all are gorgeous and very delicious. So jealous that you have all those amazing bakeries at your fingertips. Can't wait to see what else y'all try!!
